Guttenberg Aerial View

There are many ways that the City of Guttenberg works to serve the community. The following are the major departments of the city, including a description of their main functions. If you need information on or assistance with a particular city function or service, these sections of the website should be helpful to you.
Administration and City Office: Responsible for overall city operations. Key departments include City Manager's Office, Zoning, Utilities, Economic Development and General Government.
Public Safety: Responsible for all safety and emergency activities in the city. Departments include Police, Fire, Ambulance and Flood Control.
Culture and Recreation: Responsible for all recreation aspects of the community. Departments include Marina, Recreation, Parks, Pool, Library, Cable (Channel 6) and Cemetery.
Public Works and Utilities: Responsible for the major utilities and infrastructure of the City. Key departments are Electric, Water, Wastewater, Street and Storm Sewer.
Guttenberg Mission Statement - To recreate the Mississippi River town of Guttenberg as a place for tourists, businesses, workers, and residents to invest their time and money as they enjoy the beauty and splendor of a cluster of spectacular natural sites.