Guttenberg Aerial View
Employees at North Overlook


There are many ways that the City of Guttenberg works to serve the community.  The following are the major departments of the city, including a description of their main functions.  If you need information on or assistance with a particular city function or service, these sections of the website should be helpful to you.

Administration and City Office: Responsible for overall city operations.  Key departments include City Manager's Office, Zoning, Utilities, Economic Development and General Government.

Public Safety: Responsible for all safety and emergency activities in the city. Departments include Police, Fire, Ambulance and Flood Control.

Culture and Recreation: Responsible for all recreation aspects of the community.  Departments include Marina, Recreation, Parks, Pool, Library, Cable (Channel 6) and Cemetery.

Public Works and Utilities:  Responsible for the major utilities and infrastructure of the City. Key departments are Electric, Water, Wastewater, Street and Storm Sewer.

Guttenberg Mission Statement - To recreate the Mississippi River town of Guttenberg as a place for tourists, businesses, workers, and residents to invest their time and money as they enjoy the beauty and splendor of a cluster of spectacular natural sites.